4/19 - 22 /23 Columbia, NC to Norfolk VA - DISMAL SWAMP

Wed, 4/19/23 - MY 60TH BIRTHDAY! - Columbia, NC to Elizabeth City, NC (29.7nm). I don't see many sunrises, so I lingered for a couple of minutes to welcome the day and reflect on my gratitude for my mental and physical health as I begin my 7th decade. All of the Alligator River guests, were underway by 7:30 a.m. hoping to take advantage of the morning calm seas to cross Albermarle Sound, which has a reputation for being "sporty". One hour in, and land was barely visible behind us, and not at all in front of us. Before long, we were churning around in confused seas. What began as 2' swells for the west, soon gave way to 1' waves from the north. Then, the winds shifted, and we had 2' waves from the north Port-A-Gee got a good dousing of brackish water. Before heading into Albemarle, a decision has to be made about which northern route to take: Virgina Cut up the North River and parallel with the Atlantic Ocean; or The Pasquotank River towards the Dismal Swamp....