Starting Over in 2022! (8/20/22)
Port-A-Gee's quest to complete the Great Loop began in 2017, as documented on our blog. Our last post indicated that we were considering a more livable boat that would accommodate our desire to stay at anchor more frequently. All boaters know that once the words "SHOULD WE GET A BIGGER BOAT?" are expelled into the universe, there is no turning back! We sold our beloved Cutwater-26 in June 2021. We purchased our new-to-us 2002 Mainship Pilot-34 in September 2021 in Port Washington, WI. This location not only erased all the Loop miles that we have logged, but it also put us negative 40 miles!! Oh well, in the words of the great Cubs Hall of Famer, Ernie Banks, "Let's Play 2".
The Mainship Pilot checked a lot of the boxes, but not all of them. We ran out of time getting her ready to Loop by Fall 2021, so the new Port-A-Gee went into winter storage, and we rented a condo in Cape Coral for the winter. We loved the "ground" activities of golf, pickle ball, biking and of course, running. Thanks to our boating network, we did get out on the water several times as well.This brings us to mid-August 2022, Brian has literally broken his back preparing Port-A-Gee for our journey south. The list of upgrades/repairs is loooong and expen$ive. Our target of 8/6/22 was postponed by his back issues, but over the course of a couple of weeks, medical science rescued our trip, and we are, at long-last, back on track.
Saturday, August 20, 2022 - We covered all bases in our renaming ceremony by paying homage to Poseidon, Neptune, and the 4 Wind Brothers: N-Boreas, W-Zephyrus, E-Eurus & S-Notus. Also threw in an Our Father and Hail Mary, just in case!
We scrubbed any remnants of the old name - Treasure Isle - as best we could, it's really hard to remove the shadow off the transom :(

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