Winter 2021 Stats

We lived on Port-A-Gee 6 of the past 12 months separated by a 6-week break during the holidays. This also included a month-long stay in Marathon Key. It has been absolutely fabulous, and we count ourselves very fortunate for having the opportunity. The places we've seen and the people we've met will be with us forever! WINTER 2021 STATS: 68 days onboard 523 nautical miles 5 Locks: St. Lucie, Port Mayaca, Moore Haven, Ortona, Franklin 12 Marinas: Burnt Store; Lighthouse; Naples City Dock; Calusa Island; Black Fin; Marlin Bay; Mangrove; Dania Beach; Old Port; Indiantown; River House; Sweetwater 7 nights on anchor: Pelican - Punta Gorda; Smokehouse - Marco Island; Shark River - Everglades; Blight - Key Biscayne; University Cove - Oleta State Park; Hollywood Marina - Hollywood; Gorgeous weather 95% sun, 0 rain! Robbins / Curtis Stokes showing us a Mainship Brian and I began our Loop quest in 2017, averaging approximately 60...