Wed, Thurs - Oct. 10 -11, 2018 (Kentucky Lake) - End of the line

Wed, Oct, 10 (63.1 miles) Hurricane Michael is threatening the Panhandle, and we are beginning to feel some of the residual effects on Kentucky Lake. It's very cloudy, muggy, and the barometer is dropping. We decided to get a early start with the hope of avoiding cruising in the rain. We left Clifton about 8:45 a.m. and headed downstream on Kentucky Lake. Locks and Dams are in our rear-view mirror, so we shouldn't encounter any delays. Hurricane Michael must have sucked up the front, because the clouds gave way to sunshine and another hot day 80+. Our 63-mile run to Pebble Isle Marina, New Johnsonville, TN (mm 95.6) was delightful. We passed a crew dredging the lake and noted that the bottom of the river was surprisingly sandy. At mm 130 we came across Lady Finger Bluff. Legend has it that in the pioneer days, a lady chose to leap to her death from this bluff rather than be caught by attacking Indians. We love these ...