
2002 34-Mainship Pilot Pics

 Forward Berth: View from Above Port Side (bow to stern) Starboard Side (bow to stern) Hinged Mattress - (freezer below) Galley/Dinette: Bow to Stern View Stern to Bow View Head: Pilothouse: Stern to Bow Bow to Stern Curtains Closed Icemaker Engine Compartment: Port Engine Starboard Engine 600 Watts of Solar & Victron Control Exterior:

7/20/24- 8/3/24 - Great Lakes - 2024 (Gore Bay, ON, to Racine, WI)

After spending a month navigating north/northwest through Wisconsin, Michigan Upper Peninsula and Canada, it was time to plot our return home.  The best part of this leg of our journey was having our Great Loop Buddy Boat, Kayak, meet us in the UP and relive our Looping days for a week! Leanne & Leslie - Big Blue Sat, 7/20/24 - Gore Bay to Drummond Island Yacht Haven (60.0NM)  - We saluted Gore Bay and set our course for the USA.  It was a perfect, flat-water day.  There was a backup at the fuel dock, so I used the idle time to check us back into the US.  I opened the ROME app, answered a few questions, and we were welcomed home.  Phew, no more sweating our in-transit passports. Drummond Island Yacht Haven is a family-owned and run resort property.  Two of the teenage daughters and their dad were on the fuel dock when we pulled in.  It was immediately clear, that the 2 daughters were in charge, and they had that place humming.  Two fuel docks, transient cruisers coming in, boat and